Third Cycle Programmes
    (Doctorate Degree)
Second Cycle Programmes
    (Master's Degree)
First Cycle Programmes
    (Bachelor's Degree)
Short Cycle Programmes
    (Associate's Degree)
Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)

VOCATIONAL SCHOOL - Construction Programing - Önlisans

General Description
Qualification Awarded
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Profile of The Programme
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Access to Further Studies
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Graduation Requirements
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent

Key Learning Outcomes
1Fundamental Sciences and Building Technologies sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge in the field has and will use this information .
2Materials that may be required in the field of Construction Technology recognizes and can use this information .
3Served in single-or multi -disciplinary working groups and provide effective communication .
4 Issues related to the field have the basic knowledge and skills at the level of ideas through written and verbal communication to transfer .
5Application uses the techniques and tools necessary for .
6Design experiments, analyze and interpret the test results do have .
7The experimental data acquired in the field can use the basic level may apply.
8Problems of three-dimensional thinker, reviews, analysis and synthesis are made ​​.
9The acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the same area at the same level or at the level of advanced training in an area to acquire the skills to use .
10Comprehend the necessity of lifelong learning , and uses methods that will allow the current information .
11Areas that require a basic level of information and communication technology along with computer software to use.
12Required in the field of computer software which has the ability to draw with the project .
13Related to the field of Construction Technology principles, laws, regulations and standards , and has knowledge about the use of this information .
14Identification and solution of the problems encountered at the stage moves in professional ethics and responsibility .
15Profession in the field , in professional practice and professional research , insights on ethics and conduct , behavior and social habits act responsibly .
16Soil mechanics problems encountered and solutions identified at the stage moves in professional ethics and responsibility .
17A foreign language, at least in the general level of European Language Portfolio A2 to follow in the field using information and to communicate with colleagues .

Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey
TYYÇKey Learning Outcomes
COMPETENCES (Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility)1
COMPETENCES (Learning Competence)1
COMPETENCES (Communication and Social Competence)1
COMPETENCES (Field Specific Competence)1

Course Structure Diagram with Credits
Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat / TURKEY • Tel  (pbx): +90 354 217 86 01 • e-mail: